Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I movie story board

2. State the TOPIC your team chose and TELL WHY you, as a group, decided to explore it. [3 pts] My team and I chose  choir. We chose this because it was not taken and another group had taken hockey.

3. What different images did you include in your storyboard & why did you chose them. [3 pts.] We used the Peoria Notre Dame, Because we did it on the Notre Dame choir. We also have a picture of a choir, because that is our topic, we have a picture that says new choir members welcome, because they welcome new choir members, We have a picture of a calender because it talks about time commitment, we have a picture of the auditorium because the choir sometimes practices there, we have a picture of a church because they play at masses, we have a picture of a sign up form because that shows how they can join, there is a picture that says no money because it doesn't cost any thing, and there is a picture of a table of food because sometimes they have food.

4. What tools of collaboration helped you succeed as a team?  [2 pts.] We used teamwork, and we used open minds to others ideas to succeed.

5. Describe HOW storyboarding helped you develop the idea for your movie.  [10 pts.] It helps give you a base for what you are going to do when doing the movie. Without story board, there would be no base for the movie and it would be thrown together. With a story board it will seem cleaner and there was hard work put into it.

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